Pic by Nikola Vildova

Pic by Eli Carreras
Hi there! I'm Ot Cuevas, a fashion/portrait photographer from Barcelona, Spain.
There was always a camera at my home because my dad was a photographer too, but later he became a camera man for the TV.
So, some time ago, like in 2010, I was studying audiovisual production and I learned some photoshop and I really liked it. So it was time to take some pictures! I took my mom's camera and I started shooting with some friends. And... I never stopped shooting since then!
I started working in a multibrand e-commerce company on 2017, so I learned a lot about organization, lights, and of course... e-commerce. Two years later, in 2019, I was hired in a model agency in the Art Department, so I know how this world works pretty well. And one year later, I decided to go on my own, so here we are!
But the real question is: "What can I do?"
Answering that, I can do perfectly e-commerce, campaigns, lookbooks, catalogs, test shootings, polaroids... this kind of stuff.
I focus on fashion and portrait but I love to do some architecture aswell as you can see in my alter ego's section, Bob Smurdah.
Even if I'm based in Barcelona with an awesome studio with a lot of natural light (@loft48barcelona), I'm available worldwide, so feel free to contact me! ;)
*Toda la página está en inglés, pero hablo Español y Catalán perfectamente!